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7 inch TFT Multi

Colour Display


7 inch TFT MultiColour Display


Processor : 32bit ARM Process0r

Processor clock frequency : 50 MHz

Real time clock : On board battery backed RTC.

Memory : Chip based memory to save 1 Lakh records

Power supply : SMPS power supply

Input Voltage : 90V to 270 V AC @ 50Hz

* 750 mA fuse for input AC mains
* Input line filter f0r EMI and RFI suppression
* Spike suppressor for input transients
* 0 t0 isolati0n of signals and I/0s for high immunity agsinst electrical noice

Power Consumption : 10 VA (approx.)

Load cell excitation : 13.5 DC with 300 mA current capability

Display : 7" TFT multi colour

Keyboard port : 101 — key IBM keyb0ard (USB type)

USB Port : USB Port for Connectivity with Pen Drive

Printer port : Isolated Centronics compatible for connecting 80 column dot matrix Printer b Laser Printing

Serial Port : Isolated RS232 serial port for continuous transmission of weight

Remote Display Port : Remote display port is provided to connect external wired display (0.5" / 1" / 2.3" / 4")

Environment : Operational Temperature : 0 to 55 degree celsius HumidÏty : up t0 95% RH non—condensing


7 inch multi colour TFT screen display
Bigger weight font display
Home screen display to show weigh, menu icons, date time
Strong branding with use of logo, Header, Footer on home screen.
At a glance view during weightment, view ticket, view report.
At a glance view for group of features on a screen.
Pendrive dumping to get data records in softcopy

Dot matrix printer connectivity using centronics / USB port
USB keyboard connectiviyy.
Multiple SMS feature for ease of weighbridge owners and clients.
Dynamic pre-printed setting.
Email feature (Optional) -- Long distance between weighbridge room structure